Walk-through with Axes in D3
Before we start to Axes in D3 refer
- D3 Part 1 - SVG Shapes.
- D3 Part 2- D3 + Angular 7 Integration .
- D3 Part 3- D3 Data Bound to DOM Elements.
- D3 Part 4- D3 Creating SVG Elements Based on Data.
- D3 Part 5- D3 SVG Coordinate Space.
- D3 Part 6- Data Structures Using D3.
- D3 Part 7- Dynamic SVG Coordinate Space Using D3.
- D3 Part 8- Basic D3 Array Utilities.
- D3 Part 9- SVG Group Element.
- D3 Part 10- SVG Text Element.
- D3 Part 11- SVG Linear Scales.
- D3 Part 12- Axes in D3.
Walk-through with Axes in D3
let width = 400, height = 100;
SVG width and height as variables.
let data = [250,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,1000,1100,1500,2000,2200];
dataset as an array
let svgoftopaxes = d3.select('#Topaxiselement').append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
Create SVG element with defined width and height using d3
var topscale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([d3.min(data), d3.max(data)]).range([0, width - 100]);
Linear Scale created using d3 scaleLinear , d3 min , d3 max
.range([0,width-100]) specifies the range [0,300]. So value 10 will be map to 0 and value 300 will be map to 30.
let gaxistop = svgoftopaxes.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(50, 20)");
group created with transform to (50,20) location
let top_axis = d3.axisTop().scale(topscale);
using d3.axisTop to create a top axis with scale value
Append the top_axis to the group element gaxistop using call method.
Code Action @StackBlitz
density of titanium Kershaw included their SpeedSafe assisted-open on this knife, which can be accessed using the built-in flipper or thumb stud, and it features a three-position “Tri-Carry” pocket clip. While Boker, headquartered in Solingen, is a German knifemaking brand through-and-through, one of their all-time finest everyday basis} carry knife designs was heavily inspired by Japan. We’re speaking, in fact, about the Lucas Burnley-designed Kwaiken you see before you. Like a lot of Boker’s choices, this knife is available in a number of|numerous|a variety of} different materials and finishes, but this titanium version is, no doubt, one of the ones that stands out probably the most. It still boasts the identical clean minimalist katana-like silhouette, but this one comes with grey titanium handle scales that help elevate this already-impressive gentleman’s flipper even greater.