SVG Text Element and D3
Before we start to SVG text Element and D3 refer
- D3 Part 1 - SVG Shapes.
- D3 Part 2- D3 + Angular 7 Integration .
- D3 Part 3- D3 Data Bound to DOM Elements.
- D3 Part 4- D3 Creating SVG Elements Based on Data.
- D3 Part 5- D3 SVG Coordinate Space.
- D3 Part 6- Data Structures Using D3.
- D3 Part 7- Dynamic SVG Coordinate Space Using D3.
- D3 Part 8- Basic D3 Array Utilities.
- D3 Part 9- SVG Group Element.
SVG Text Element and D3
In this Lab, We will cover the SVG's Text Element.The <text> element is used to define a text.
To Write a text inside the SVG
Step 1: Create a div with id circleelementdatabound in html template
// Div element selected from angular's Component
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To Write a text inside the SVG
<svg height="30" width="200">We will experiment with how the text element is going to use as label using D3?
<text x="0" y="15" fill="blue">Welcome to the SVG Basic's</text>
Step 1: Create a div with id circleelementdatabound in html template
<div id="circleelementdatabound" ></div>Step 2: Import D3 in required component.ts
import * as d3 from 'd3';Step 3: Create user defined class
export class D3lab10 {Step 4: Create a dataset as below
public xpos: number = 0;
public ypos: number = 0;
public radious: number = 0;
public highlight: string ='';
public label: string ='';
export const lab10data:D3lab10[] = [Step 5: Inside ngOnInit() method write the below code
{ xpos: 0,ypos: 0,radious: 0,highlight: 'red',label: ''},
{ xpos: 0,ypos: 0,radious: 0,highlight: 'red',label: ''},
{ xpos: 0,ypos: 0,radious: 0,highlight: 'red',label: ''},
// Div element selected from angular's Component
let divcircleelementdatabound ='#circleelementdatabound');// Dynamic coordinate space
// svg element added inside the selected div element
let svgforcircleelements = divcircleelementdatabound.append('svg')
.attr('width', 1000)
.attr('height', 500);
let firstdata: D3lab10 = lab10data[0];// Apply the Data set to svgforcircleelements
firstdata.xpos = 20;
firstdata.ypos = 20;
firstdata.radious = 10;
firstdata.label = '('+firstdata.xpos+','+firstdata.ypos+')';
for (let i = 1; i < lab10data.length; i++){
let prev: D3lab10 = lab10data[i-1];
let current: D3lab10 = lab10data[i];
current.radious = 10;
current.xpos = prev.xpos+50;
current.ypos = prev.ypos+50;
current.label = '('+current.xpos+','+current.ypos+')';
let bluecircleelements = svgforcircleelements.selectAll('circle')// append text
.attr('cx', function (d) { return d.xpos; })
.attr('cy', function (d) { return d.ypos;})
.attr('r',function (d) { return d.radious;})
.style('fill', 'blue');
let textements = svgforcircleelements.selectAll('text')Step 6: Run the Project and see the result
.attr('x', function (d) { return d.xpos; })
.attr('y', function (d) { return d.ypos;})
.text(function(d) {return d.label;})
.attr('font-family', 'sans-serif')
.attr('font-size', '20px')
.attr('fill', 'red');
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