Angular7 Routing|Angular7 Navigation between components|RouteModule
API : import { RouterModule,Route } from '@angular/router';
Routes tell the router which view to display when a user clicks a link or pastes a URL into the browser address bar.
Route has two basic properties:
path: a string that matches the URL in the browser address bar.
component: the component that the router should create when navigating to this route.
export const allbaseroutes: Route[] =[
{ path: 'Lab1', component: D3Lab1Component},
{ path: 'Lab2', component: D3lab2Component},
{ path: 'Lab3', component: D3lab3Component}
Add RouterModule to the @NgModule.imports array and configure it with the routes in one step by calling RouterModule.forRoot() within the imports array as below
in App.module.ts
imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule, RouterModule.forRoot(allbaseroutes) ],
declarations: [ AppComponent, HelloComponent, D3Lab1Component, D3lab2Component, D3lab3Component ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
Open the AppComponent template and add <router-outlet></router-outlet> element.
Navigation link (routerLink)
RouterLink is the selector for the RouterLink directive that turns user clicks into router navigations, Add routerLink as below
And Finally, Add UI Access for Navigation in appcomponent.ts file
<a routerLink="/Lab1">Lab 1</a>
<a routerLink="/Lab2">Lab 2</a>
<a routerLink="/Lab3">Lab 3</a>
Run The Project and see the result
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